How to prevent muscle ailments and How we can combat muscle pain
Most Spaniards suffer from muscle pain that affects us in our daily lives. At RehabMedic, we want to help you minimize muscle and/or joint pain caused by a radical change in your habits.
We will explain everything about the symptoms you can suffer when you have muscle pain, how to prevent and treat them to achieve good muscle health.
According to the study on muscle health carried out by Fisiocrem and the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists, 24% of the population between 25 and 65 years old suffer from some type of muscle discomfort in their daily life.
Intense daily pain conditions the lives of 95% of people who suffer. This proportion is 75% among those who suffer moderate or mild discomfort daily.
Even 22% of those who suffer sporadic pain or discomfort have their daily lives conditioned by these discomforts or pain.
Yes it reduces my quality of life
8.6% on rare occasions
28.5% Frequently
47.8% Daily
79.6% Daily with severe pain

I do change my routine to relieve pain.
13.8% on rare occasions
31% Frequently
27% Daily
14.6% Daily with severe pain

It doesn't affect me in my day to day life
77.6% on rare occasions
40.5% Frequently
25.2% Daily
5.7% Daily with severe pain

The symptoms of muscle pain are caused by a series of conditions, such as poor posture, a muscle injury, stress or bad habits, such as inadequate rest. It is important to know the symptoms of pain in two groups: causes related and causes not related to muscle activity.
We can classify pain symptoms into two groups: related causes and causes not related to muscle activity b>.
They may appear during or after physical exercise. This includes muscle stiffness, cramps and strains.
Poor postural hygiene, bad habits such as lack of sleep, stress or poor diet can also manifest in muscle pain. There may also be a relationship with a chronic illness, virus and other condition that requires medical assistance.
Furthermore, both the intensity and frequency of these muscle pain symptoms determine the degree of conditioning of the lives of people who suffer from it. This pain may be accompanied by:
Sometimes muscle pain can be accompanied by muscle weakness. This means that the person who suffers from it is incapable of performing some tasks due to lack of muscle strength. This lack of strength usually comes from previous muscle fatigue caused by prolonged excess of physical activity or by sleep disorders, depression, heart and lung diseases, among others. In some cases, it may also be due to a chronic illness.
They can occur in any muscle of the body, but they mostly occur in the legs. Spasms, also called muscle cramps, happen when the muscle contracts uncontrollably and does not relax. Muscle spasms usually occur when a muscle is overworked or has a muscle injury. It can also occur when you exercise and are not properly hydrated or due to a lack of minerals, such as potassium or calcium. Depending on the part of the body in which it occurs, this can give us clues to the reason for the cause. Spasms caused in the upper part of the leg are more common when exercising such as running or jumping, while spasms in the neck or spinal area are usually caused by stress.< /span>
Muscle fatigue is the inability or lack of strength to continue performing an activity. There are many factors that determine its origin as a poor diet or hydration, lack of sleep or overtraining.